06 Dec

Your dedication, knowledge, skill and compassion are unsurpassed

  • 2150

“Reddy” a chihuahua mix, adopted from the County shelter was so reactive towards other dogs it was impossible to walk him without him screaming and lunging towards all dogs we passed. We had resorted to hiding in bushes when we saw another dog or not walking him at all. In very short order you succeeded in teaching us how to walk him past other dogs while keeping his attention focused on us, not other dogs. We are now well on our way to enjoying taking a walk with him and he has gained a great deal of confidence.

18 years ago, after reading your book “Good Owners, Great Dogs” we contacted you for advice about our rescue dog “Shep” who had severe separation anxiety. The excellent advice you gave us saved his life. Had we given him up he surely would have been put to sleep. He became a wonderful dog and lived 17 years.

Your dedication, knowledge, skill and compassion are unsurpassed in the field of dog/human training. And, we will not forget your words, ” Have fun with your dog”.



Great Dogs Resort